Side project  | is the very first android UX pattern site. More than millions of designer, Millions of designers and engineers use the site for reference and it has been featured as a resource on multiple other sites.
Advisors | Gary Chou, Christina Cacioppo




Side project  |  Collection of car interiors & car UX images. The site has featured at Product Hunt





New York Everyday

Side project  |  Daily photography blog from New York. I had shared photo everyday when I lived in Manhattan. It's got thounds of follows, millions of reactions. 




Rookie Guide : How To Convert iOS UI To Android

I wrote on medium about android UX. 
This article featured as top stories on Medium as well as featured on UX und Tollerei.




Preview for Glass

Google glass app | Preview for Glass is a Glassware that changes your movie-going life. With Preview, you don't need to pull out your phone and search for an interesting film to watch when you arrive at the theater.  Preview for Glass allows you to watch a movie trailer instantly by just looking at a movie poster. I led user experience design for the app. 




Car tweet

Concept Design | Each year, New York drivers spend 42 hours stuck in traffic. 'Car tweet', a prototyping showing one speculative future for the car experience, presents supplemental information for drivers using a combination of smartphone and a car’s windshield. 





Time Stamp

Concept Design | It is quite literally a time stamp. Basically it is a functioning analog clock that leaves a mark of the current time each time it’s used. It adds structure and focus to our days by requiring the conscious and physical marking of the START and the END of each task. The stamping action and physical mark gives a sense of accomplishment, much like the feeling we get from crossing an item off our to-do list. At the end of the day, we can review a list of all our accomplishments, and never again wonder where our day went!

Adviser Carla Diana | Collaboration with Nikki Sylinteng, Shan Shan Gao


